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Badger by Delvin Leekya #DL900
Frog by Danette Laate #DL01
Buffalo by Lynn Quam #LQ207
Happy Bear by Claudia Peina #PC872
Tortoise by Michael Coble #MC18
Mountain Lion by Clissa Martin #CM003
Stallion with Messenger by Fernando Laiwakete #FL48
Toad by Nelson Yatsattie #NY57
Hummingbird by Danette Laate #DL600
Bear by Wilfred Cheama #WC28
Hawk with eggs by Derrick Kaamasee #DK311
Walrus by Bernie Laselute item # BLS792
Mountain Lion by Herb Halate #HH2
Crystal Bear by Priscilla Lasiloo #PL201
Hummingbird by Clissa Martin #CM005
Bird by Cheryl Beyuka #CBK54
Snake by LaVies Natewa #LN8
Butterfly by Danette Laate #DL40
Penguin by Calvert Bowannie #CB6
Eagles over Kiva by Derrick Kaamasee #DK365
Horned Toad by Nelson Yatsattie #NY1
Chubby Blue Turtle by Leland Boone #LB96
Bear by Clissa Martin #CM70
Beaver by Brandon Phillips #BP40