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Elk by Chris Peina #CP25
Otter by Danette Laate #DL66
Badger by Adrian Cachini #AC27
Swimming turtle by Bernie Laselute #BL78
Owl by Derrick Kaamasee #DK81
Horned Toad by Derrick Kaamasee #DK30
Pronghorn by Lewis Malie #LM27
Bear with Fish by Derrick Kaamasee #DL56
Happy bear by Claudia Peina item #CP979
Multi-color bird by Delvin Leekya item # DVL45
Blue frog by Reynold Lunasee item #RLN72
Amber Scorpion by Lewis Malie item #LM45
Sonoran coyote by Leland Boone item #LLB44
Zuni Corn Grinder by Derrick Kaamasee item #DK82
Stallion by Travis Lasiloo item # TRL74
Wizard by Chad Quandelacy item # CHQ75
Black Buffalo by Travis Lasiloo item# TLV45
Eagle by Derrick Kaamasee item # DRK89
Green Medicine Bear by Stewart Quandelacy item #SQT26
Blue Grizzly by Andres Quandelacy item # ANDQ23
Blue Bunny by Claudia Peina item # CPB55
The Standing Horse by Clissa Martin item # CLM56
Ram by Wilfred Cheama item # WCH22
Pearl Pony by Andres Quandelacy item # AQ32